Dispatches all events with matching `name`.
Unregisters existing event listener(s) by name.
All listeners registered with this name will be unregistered.
Register one or more event listener.
Performs clamp on `num` so it fits between `min` and `max` values.
Performs linear interpolation on a `number` between `min` and `max` values.
Maps `num` from source range (`minSource/maxSource`) to destination range (`minDest/maxDest`).
Computes normalized `num` between `min/max` range.
"Array" functions will always use `ipairs`
Determines if `var` is a boolean value.
Determines if `var` is an "empty" value.
Determines if `left == right`, with tables undergoing recursive equality.
Determines if `var` is an even number.
Determines if `var` is a falsey value (e.g. `nil`, `false`).
Determines if `var` is a function.
Determines if `var` is not a `number`.
Determines if `var` is a negative number.
Determines if `var` is nil.
Determines if `var` is not nil.
Determines if `var` is a number.
Determines if `var` is an odd number.
Determines if `var` is a positive number.
Alias for _:isRegexPattern.
Determines if `var` is a regex pattern.
Determines if `var` is a "sequence" (e.g. an ordered, indexed table).
Determines if `var` is a "set" (e.g. a table with named indexes for uniqueness; order is not important).
Determines if `var` is a string value.
Determines if `var` is a table value.
Determines if `var` is a thread.
Determines if `var` is a truthy value (e.g. anything but false and nil).
Determines if `var` is zero.
Determines if `var` is a native lander function.
Returns absolute value of `num`.
Adds all `...` numbers and returns sum.
Converts `bin` representation into it's base-10 numeric counterpart.
Converts `bin` representation into it's hexadecimal string counterpart.
Perform bitwise AND operation on `x` and returns the result.
Perform bitwise NOT operation on `x` and returns the result.
Perform bitwise OR operation on `x` and returns the result.
Perform bitwise OR operation on `x` and returns the result.
Rounds up `num` to desired `precision`.
Using a negative value for `precision` will round from right to left.
Converts `dec` representation into it's binary string counterpart.
Converts `dec` representation into it's hexadecimal string counterpart.
Divides series of numbers and returns result.
Rounds down `num` to desired `precision`.
Using a negative value for `precision` will round from right to left.
Converts `hex` representation into it's binary string counterpart.
Converts `hex` representation into it's base-10 numeric counterpart.
Finds max value in sequence of numbers.
Finds max value in sequence of numbers, invoking `iteratee` function on every element.
Computes mean of sequence of numbers.
Computes mean of sequence of numbers, invoking `iteratee` function on every element.
Finds min value in sequence of numbers.
Finds min value in sequence of numbers, invoking `iteratee` function on every element.
Multiplies sequence of numbers.
Multiplies sequence of numbers, invoking `iteratee` function on every element.
Computes `value` rounded to `precision`.
Subtracts sequence of numbers.
Subtracts sequence of numbers, invoking `iteratee` function on every element.
Sums sequence of numbers.
Sums sequence of numbers, invoking `iteratee` function on every element.
Converts `rad` to degrees.
Converts `deg` to radians.
Attempts to invoke `func` with `...` args.
Same as _:attempt, but doesn't use `pcall`.
Intercept _:attempt by invoking `func` with `...` args, then sending the results to a user-specified callback only if falsey.
Intercept _:attempt by invoking `func` with `...` args, then sending the results to a user-specified callback only if truthy.
Converts `str` to Camel Case.
Capitalizes first character of `str` and lower cases the rest.
Determines if `str` ends with `target` up until the end `position`.
Converts `str` to Kebab Case.
Converts `str` to lower-case, space-separated words.
Lower-cases first character in `str`.
Pads both sides of `str` with `chars`, only if `str` is smaller than `length`.
Pads end of `str` with `chars`, only if `str` is smaller than `length`.
Pads beginning of `str` with `chars`, only if `str` is smaller than `length`.
Repeats given `str` `n` number of times.
Replaces matches from `pattern` in `str` with `repl` string.
Defers to Lua's native `string.gsub` function.
Converts `str` to Snake Case.
Creates new table by spliting `str` by `separator`. Result will be no larger than `limit`.
Converts `str` to Start Case.
Determine if `str` starts with `target`, starting at `position`.
Converts entire `str` to lower case..
Defers to Lua's native `string.lower` function.
Converts entire `str` to upper case..
Defers to Lua's native `string.upper` function.
Removes leading and trailing `pattern` of `str`.
Removes trailing `pattern` of `str`.
Removes leading `pattern` or `str`.
Truncates `str` with `options`.
Converts `str` to space-separated, upper case string.
Converts first character in `str` to upper case, leaving the rest untouched.
Converts `str` into table of words, using `pattern` as separator.
Splits elements of `tabl` into groups of `size`.
Only returns numeric indexes of `tabl`.
Creates copy of `tabl`, excluding any same values from `other`.
Only affects numeric indexes of `tabl`.
Creates copy of `tabl` dropping `n` x elements from beginning (or ending if `n` is negative).
Only affects numeric indexes of `tabl`.
Fills new `tabl` with `n` x `value` starting at `fromIndex`
Only affects numeric indexes of `tabl`.
Returns first index (starting from `formIndex`) of `tabl` where `predicate` returns a truthy value.
Returns first index (starting from `formIndex` and moving to the left) of `tabl` where `predicate` returns a truthy value.
Returns first indexed value of `tabl`.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Returns index of first occurrence of `value` in `tabl`, checking only numeric-indexes.
Only checks indexed elements of `tabl`.
Creates copy of `table` including all elements but the tail.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Converts all numeric-indexed elements in `tabl` to string separated by `separator`.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Returns index of last occurrence of `value` in `tabl`, checking only numeric-indexes.
Only checks indexed elements of `tabl`.
Creates copy of `tabl`, invoking `iteratee` on every element.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Returns `n`-th indexed value of `tabl`. Negative `n`-values will count from the right.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Returns copy of `tabl` reversing order of numeric indexes.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Creates copy of `tabl` and shuffles it using Fisher-Yates shuffle.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Returns last indexed value of `tabl`.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Creates new table of values from `tabl` excluding all elements with `...` as it's value.
Only affects indexed elements of `tabl`.
Splits elements of `tabl` into groups of `size`.
This will chunk both named and numeric-indexed values of `tabl`. Use _:chunki to just chunk numeric-indexed values.
Creates new table with `keys` as keys and `values` as values.
Requirement: both tables must be equal in size.
Creates copy of `tabl` with Lua-falsy values filtered out.
Requirement: both tables must be equal in size.
Determines if `value` conforms to `source`, by invoking the predicate properties of source with corresponding propery values of `value`.
Creates copy of `tabl`, excluding any same values from `other`.
Creates copy of `tabl` with values that fail `iteratee` filtered out.
`iteratee` will receive arguments:
- `value`
- 'key'
Return first element in `tabl`, which `predicate` returns a truthy value.
Creates new `tabl` flattened one level deep.
Creates new `tabl`, recursively flattening table.
Creates new table made up of keys from `tabl`.
Creates new table executing `iteratee` on every element of `tabl`.
Creates new table merging from left to right.
Overwritting will occur when existing key found.
Creates copy of `tabl`, resized to `size`.
Creates unique set of elements, dropping duplicate indices.
Creates new table made up of values from `tabl`.
Returns r, g, b color component values between [0, 1].
Default color palettes inspired by tailwindcss.
Returns r,g,b color values by hext `value`.
Default color palettes inspired by tailwindcss.
Returns r,g,b color values by name `value`.
Default color palettes inspired by tailwindcss.
Assert `var` is am `expect`ed data type, and assigns `default` if `var` = nil.
Assert if not all `...` values are the same length.
Asserts `var` is not a boolean data type.
Asserts `var` is not a number data type.
Alias of _:assertIsRegexPattern.
Assert if `var` is not a regular expression pattern.
Assert if `var` is not a `string` data type.
Assert if `var` is not a `table` data type.
Assert if `var` is > `expect` size.
Assert if `var` is < `expect` size.
Assert if `var` is nil.
Assert if `var` is 0.