Nobody suspected him. Why would they? After all, he looked just like everyone else. And thats exactly how... he got away with it.
This was a game was created for the A Game By Its Cover 2020 Game Jam; inspired by the following famicase design.
You are Pink, and you must keep your disguise by drinking blue potions, but don't stay put cause you must find the exit before you are suspected.
- Release Date - Oct. 14th, 2020
- Platforms - Mac | Win
- Genre - Timed-Exit Puzzle Game.
- Theme - Based off of a famicase design.
Github | itch.io | Post-Mortem
This was the first game where I created my own art, and therefore spent less time coding and more studying palettes, researching pixel art, and learning how to use some pretty cool tools.
The original idea for the game was to make it a rhythm-based game where you would have to not only find the exit to the maze, but keep a rhythm by pressing 1 of 4 buttons at the right time. I spent quite a while on this, considering whether it would work or not. Due to the time constraints I had to scrap the whole idea and come up with something simpler.
Potions lie around the maze, which fill your disgues metter up, but also act as a breadcrumbs of sorts. The player is expected to explore the map while leaving some potions behind in case they get lost.
Check out my Post-Mortem for more in-depth details.
Definitely wearing multiple hats designing, coding, debugging, doing art, marketing all within a limited timeframe (over 3 weekends).
Technologies Used
- Love2D - Game Framework.
- Aesprite - Sprite Animations.
- Pyxel Edit - Creating the Tilesheet.
- Tiled - Level Design/Map Making.
- Sublime Text 3 - Text Editor.